The Endless War
Vydavateľ: | Penguin Books (Penguin Books Ltd.) | |
Formát: | Kniha | |
Vydanie: | 2023/11 | |
Poradie vydania: | 1. | |
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Posledná zmena: 08.02.2025 02:59 |
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Obsah knihy: The Endless War
Pre-order Endless War, the fourth chapter in The Bridge Kingdom series . . . --THREE LIFE-CHANGING CHOICES, TWO STAR-CROSSED LOVERS, AND ONE UNCLAIMED DESTINY . . . Newly crowned as king of Maridrina, Keris watches powerless as his forbidden relationship with Zarrah is exposed.He knows there is only one way to save her when she is imprisoned by the Empress: to ally with the kingdom he nearly destroyed.Zarrah, held captive on the dreaded Devil's Island, faces two choices: prove her loyalty to the Empress who condemned her or die a traitor.But dare Zarrah seek a third path: a rebellion to overthrow tyranny entwined with a destiny she must fight to claim.Facing impossible odds, Keris and Zarrah must somehow find their way back to each other, before it's too late . . .--Praise for Danielle L Jensen's previous work:- Heart-pounding romance and intense action wrapped in a spellbinding world. I was hooked from the first page! - Elise Kova, USA Today bestselling author of A Deal with the Elf KingRichly-woven, evocative, and absolutely impossible to put down - I was hooked from the first lines! Dark Shores has everything I look for in a fantasy novel: fresh, unique settings, a cast of complex and diverse characters, and an unflinching boldness with the nuanced world-building. I loved every word - Sarah J. MaasThe book grabs readers from the beginning with its stellar world-building and multidimensional characters - Kirkus ReviewsStunning world-building, a vivid cast of secondary characters, and a steamy slow-burn romance between two exceedingly competent and compelling heroes. Dark Shores is not one to miss - Booklist
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