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Second Rite

Vydavateľ: Dialog (Dialog)
Séria:Filthy Rich Vampires (2.diel)
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 17.02.2025 03:05

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Obsah knihy: Second Rite

Thea Melbourne has a broken heart. A month after her world turned upside down, she's struggling to return to the life she left behind. Her mother is in a coma, she's selling off designer gowns to pay the bills, and her roommates seem to think she's made of glass. But when the vampire who broke her heart shows up at the hospital, she learns a devastating secret.To save the love of his life, Julian pushed her away. Now he has to live with the pain and regret or find someone to put him out of his misery. When it becomes clear that Thea is still in danger, he has a choice to make. He can stay away like the Council demands or risk everything, including their lives, to win her back.Convincing her means facing his own dark secrets and resisting the temptation to claim her as his mate once and for all. But Thea isn't going to make that easy for him.

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Názov: Second Rite

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