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Broken Light: The explosive and unforgettable new novel from the million copy bestselling author

Vydavateľ: Orion Books (Orion)
Počet strán:423
Poradie vydania:1.
Zvyčajne posielame do 8-10 pracovných dní 
Informácie o dostupnosti

Posledná zmena: 26.07.2024 03:59

Predajná cena
pre prihlásených:

18,43 € (vrátane DPH)
Predajná cena: 18,87 € (vrátane DPH)
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Obsah knihy: Broken Light: The explosive and unforgettable new novel from the million copy bestselling author

'I inhaled this book in one long breath. It's addictive - profound, moving and utterly unforgettable. Bernie Moon will live in my imagination for a long time to come.' - CATRIONA WARD, Bestselling author of Sundial and The Last House on Needless StreetA bold and timely novel from #1 bestselling author Joanne Harris that explores how women can feel invisible as they grow older - and what happens when they decide to take back control...Have you ever felt invisible? Bernie Moon has given her life to other people: her husband, her son, her friends (who are these days, mostly online). At nineteen she was full of dreams and ambitions; now almost fifty, and going through the menopause, she's fading, fast. Heartbroken and hormonal, she often feels like she's losing her mind.But when a young woman is murdered in a local park, it sparks a series of childhood memories in Bernie and with them, a talent that has lain dormant most of her adult life.She promised herself she'd never think of it again. When she was a teenager, it almost destroyed her. But now she's older, could it be the power she's been missing? Could it be the chance to, finally, make them look?

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Názov: Broken Light: The explosive and unforgettable new novel from the million copy bestselling author

Objednávací kód NA669918

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