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How to Hold a Grudge : From Resentment t

Vydavateľ: Hodder and Stoughton (Hodder and Stoughton Limited Hachette UK Limited)
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Posledná zmena: 26.07.2024 03:57

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Obsah knihy: How to Hold a Grudge : From Resentment t

'Hannah is excellent on how to embrace our grudges, nurture them and use them to become a better person' Grazia

What if grudges are not just good for us but great?

How often have you held a grudge and felt guilty about it? 'Forgive and move on' is the received wisdom, and that's what many of us try to do.

Positive thinking is essential for a happy life, but how we get to that positive is even more crucial.

What if grudges can ward off danger, and help us live better lives?

What if they can act as stepping stones, pointing us in the right direction?

This ultimate guide will give you all the tools you need to analyse, process and embrace your grudges in order to be your best possible self.

** How to Hold a Grudge - The Podcast now available for download! Check out Grudge of the Week, and discover the latest Grudge Music **

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Názov: How to Hold a Grudge : From Resentment t

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