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Abbey Road: The Inside Story of the World´s Most Famous Recording Studio (with a foreword by Paul McCartney)

Vydavateľ: Transworld Publishers (Transworld Publishers)
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Posledná zmena: 20.09.2024 03:06

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Obsah knihy: Abbey Road: The Inside Story of the World´s Most Famous Recording Studio (with a foreword by Paul McCartney)

With a foreword by Paul McCartney'It's semi-devotional -- a really special place' Florence Welch'There are certain things that are mythical. Abbey Road is mythical' Nile RodgersMany people will recognise the famous zebra crossing. Some visitors may have graffitied their name on its hallowed outer walls. Others might even have managed to penetrate the iron gates. But what draws in these thousands of fans here, year after year? What is it that really happens behind the doors of the most celebrated recording studio in the world?It may have begun life as an affluent suburban house, but it soon became a creative hub renowned around the world as a place where great music, ground-breaking sounds and unforgettable tunes were forged - nothing less than a witness to, and a key participant in, the history of popular music itself.What has been going on there for over ninety years has called for skills that are musical, creative, technical, mechanical, interpersonal, logistical, managerial, chemical and, romantics might be tempted add, close to magic.This is for the people who believe in the magic.

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Názov: Abbey Road: The Inside Story of the World´s Most Famous Recording Studio (with a foreword by Paul McCartney)

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