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Where´d You Go, Bernadette

Vydavateľ: Orion Books (Orion)
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 20.09.2024 03:03

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Obsah knihy: Where´d You Go, Bernadette

'Like A VISIT FROM THE GOON SQUAD written by Tina Fey' Sam Baker, RED MAGAZINE
Shortlisted for the 2013 Women's Prize for Fiction
A NEW YORK TIMES bestseller
COMING SOON: The film adaptation, directed by Richard Linklater and starring Cate Blanchett, Kristen Wiig and Billy Crudup

Bernadette Fox is notorious.

To Elgie Branch, a Microsoft wunderkind, she's his hilarious, volatile, talented, troubled wife.
To fellow mothers at the school gate, she's a menace.
To design experts, she's a revolutionary architect.
And to 15-year-old Bee, she is a best friend and, quite simply, mum.

Then Bernadette disappears. And Bee must take a trip to the end of the earth to find her.

WHERE'D YOU GO, BERNADETTE is a compulsively readable, irresistibly written, deeply touching novel about misplaced genius and a mother and daughter's place in the world.

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Where´d You Go, Bernadette

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